Bulls can be seen at the farm: (NEW LOCATION- no longer by Redstone Feeders)
Wilkinson Ranch 20143 440th Ave. Lake Preston, SD 57249
From DeSmet - 7 miles north on Hwy 25, 7 miles east on 200th St, 3/4 mile south on 440th Ave.
Sale location will be at the DeSmet Event Center 705 Wilder Lane SW DeSmet, SD 57231
Monday February 10, 2025
Selling: 81 Yearling Bulls & 109 Open Yearling Heifers
Selling Sons of Leading Wilkinson Ranch Sires and These AI Sires:
KCF Bennet Culmination * Ellingson Deep River * EXAR Stockfund
Williams Jonesboro 700-602 * B A R Dynamic * Basin Jameson
Wilkinson Ranch Inertia Sons * Wilkinson Ranch Sonic Sons * Wilkinson Ranch Bubs Sons
Wilkinson Ranch Ashland Sons * Wilkinson Ranch Commando Sons * Wilkinson Ranch Epic Sons
All of the bulls have been genetics tested and have been Zoetis HD 50K tested.
DNA markers, providing the most reliable genomic predictions today.